As mentioned in the About me page, I started lifeguarding when I was 16. As I progressed through the years and developed a huge passion for it, I then decided to start teaching swimming before I moved on to being a lifeguarding instructor. When I was training to become a lifeguarding instructor, I realized my goal was to instill a passion for lifeguarding in my students. This experience has greatly benefited me in my personal and it sure will help me progress through my teaching carreer. Here is why

◊ I am able to work as a team member

As a lifeguard, you always work in a team. If you are not able to do so, the job becomes very boring for you - because all you do is watch people swim - and for your team as they build up frustration as time goes. Lifeguards need to develop communication skills to be able to work well together in case of an emergency or simply to tell each other where they are at what moment. As a currently work as a teacher and have to co-teach with my colleagues, I realize that the skills I learned while lifeguarding during summer were hugely pertinent to this carreer as I learned to tell people what bothered me or what I wanted from them

  ◊ I am a very strong leader


 When I became a team leader in 2007, I had no choice but the take on the responsibility of the pool over my shoulders. This involved asking the lifeguards to perform tasks such as testing the water, helping parents choose the right Personal Floating Device for their child or even just turning down the radio so that we could hear the thunder if the weather suggested a thunderstorm could happen. Being a leader is very important for a music teacher. Indeed, we are always solliciated to stay after school to organize concerts, we leave for festivals over the weekend, we organize trips, etc. However, teachers cannot do everything on their own. For this, they need help from other teachers, parents, students, etc. For these events to be able to take place, enthusiasts need someone who knows how to direct them. I am extremely happy I have been in charge of a team before I enter this wonderful carreer!


  ◊ I am able to build relationships easily

As I have taught to all types of clienteles, it is easy for me to relate to students in a way that promotes mutual respect. I care deeply about them and as soon as the first National Lifeguard class starts, my goal is to draw my subject through the use of games and fun activities that forces them to work in a team. The use of humour that is present in all of my courses definitely makes them more interesting, therefore raising my students' level of motivation to come to each class. When it comes to music teaching, I use the same techniques. Even though my students are in school, the class has to remain fun, interactive and one where everyone feels accepted and is invited to speak their mind. This is one of the key skills I learned while teaching lifeguarding and this will definitely help me bond with the students I will encounter through my music teaching carreer.